• Office -
    102, 1st Floor, Silver Point, Maneklal Estate, Narsi Mehta Marg, Ghatkopar W, Mumbai-400086


The usual commercial supplies of pure copper are used for the most critical of electrical applications such as the production of fine and superfine enameled wires. It is essential that purity is reproducibly maintained in order to ensure high conductivity, consistent anneal ability and freedom from breaks during rod production and subsequent wire drawing.  Uncontaminated recycled process scrap and other scrap that has been electronically refined back to grade ‘A’ quality may also be used.

The copper used for power cables is also drawn from high conductivity rod but to a thicker size than fine wires. The quality requirements are therefore slightly less stringent. The presence of any undesirable impurities can cause problems such as hot shortness which gives expensive failures during casting and hot rolling. For the same reason, scrap containing such impurities can only be used for this purpose if well diluted with good quality copper.

For non-electrical purposes, copper is also used to make large quantities of plumbing tube, roofing sheet and heat exchanges. High electrical conductivity is not mandatory and other quality requirements are not so onerous. Secondary copper can be used for the manufacture of these materials, though still within stipulated quality limits for impurities.

Where scrap copper is associated with other materials, for example after having been tinned or soldered, it will frequently be more economic to take advantage of such contamination than try to remove it by refining. Normally it is remelted and cast to ingot of certified analysis before use in a foundry. Scrap of this type commands a lower price than uncontaminated copper.


The recycling of brass scrap is a basic essential of the economics of the industry. Brass for extrusion and hot stamping is normally made from a basic melt of scrap of similar composition adjusted by the addition of virgin copper or zinc as required to meet the specification before pouring. The use of brass scrap bought at a significantly lower price than the metal mixture price means that the cost of the fabricated brass is considerably less than it might otherwise be.

The presence in brass of some other elements such as lead is often required to improve machineability so such scrap is frequently acceptable. Besides the common free-machining brasses, there are many others made for special purposes with properties modified to give extra strength, hardness, corrosion resistance or other attributes, so strict segregation of scrap is essential.

Brass scrap arising from machining operations can be economically remelted but should be substantially free from excess lubricant, especially those including organic compounds that cause unacceptable fume during remelting.

When brass is remelted, there is usually some evolution of the more volatile zinc. This is made up in the melt to bring it back within specification. The zinc is evolved as oxide that is drawn off and trapped in a baghouse and recycled for the manufacture of other products.


Copper alloys such as phosphor bronzes, gunmetals, leaded bronzes and aluminium bronzes are normally made to closely controlled specifications in order to ensure fitness for demanding service. They are normally made from ingots of guaranteed composition together with process scrap of the same composition that has been kept carefully segregated. Where scrap has become mixed, or is of unknown composition, it is first remelted by an ingot maker and analysed so that the composition can be suitably adjusted to bring it within grade for an alloy.

Good quality high conductivity copper can be recycled by simple melting and check analysis before casting, either to finished shape or for subsequent fabrication.

Where copper and copper alloy scraps are very contaminated and unsuitable for simple remelting, they can be recycled by other means to recover the copper either as the metal or to give some of the many copper compounds essential for use in industry and agriculture.


f the scrap is pure copper and has not been contaminated by anything undesirable, a high quality product can be made from it. Similarly, if scrap consists only of one alloy composition it is easier to remelt to a good quality product, although there may have to be some adjustment of composition on remelting.

If scrap is mixed, contaminated or includes other materials such as solder then, when remelted, it will be more difficult to adjust the composition within the limits of a chosen specification. All these techniques retain much of the value of the scrap. The way in which alloys can be made from scrap is shown in simplified diagrammatic form in the figure.

Where scrap has been contaminated beyond acceptable limits it is necessary to re-refine it back to pure copper using conventional secondary metal refining techniques that provide a useful supplement to supplies of primary copper.