Scrap means waste that either has no economic value or only the value of its basic material content recoverable through recycling.
Scrap is generally availed at the end of the manufacture process. Also you can find some products that are damaged or that are unusable due to expiry or for some other reason, which needs to be scraped.
At the end of manufacturing process, scrap items are accounted in the scrap warehouse.
What is Scrap Management?
Scrap – Waste that either has no economic value or only the value of its basic material content recoverable through recycling • Scrap management – Manufacturers do not intend or plan to make scrap, but depending on the industry and the product, scrap is produced. But depending on the type of scrap, it may be re- cycled back into the production process or sold as a revenue generating product or simply non-recyclable and the enterprise has to pay for an outside contractor to dispose of the product