We went above and beyond to create a fantastic experience. Perfectly crafted to suite your scrap business with almost unlimited options to get almost unlimited options.
We have a warehouse for the non-ferrous and ferrous scrap of huge quantity as our warehouse spread over 10k sq. ft. area at Raigad.
Read moreWe went above and beyond to create a fantastic experience. Perfectly crafted to suite your scrap business with almost unlimited options to get almost unlimited options.
Just wanted to thank you again for a great day yesterday. You really are an amazing host that makes everyone feel at home. I definitely look forward to your future retreats.
I must tell you that you radiate with love. You are so sincere and genuine. Your retreats are one of my favorite things to do. You warm my heart in your presence. I look forward to seeing you in the fall.
I would like to mention that “scrapping” at your Scrap Away Retreats is very relaxing. There is no competitiveness, everyone is happy to work on their albums and share their expertise.